The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the biggest disruption in global education since the Second World War. Over 31 million students have been affected worldwide. According to UNESCO, almost half of the school-age students remain affected by partial or total school closures even more than a year after the onset of the pandemic. More than 100 million additional students are at risk of falling below the minimum proficiency level in reading.

As vaccination roll-outs continue at different rates, recovery across the globe will be uneven, affecting how schools reopen. COVID-appropriate behaviour will continue to be the norm for some time. Here is how it can be adapted to the school environment:


Maintain social distancing

Ensure that students and staff maintain one metre of distance from each other. Desks must be spaced accordingly. Signs and markings can help maintain adequate distance in corridors. Take strict measures to avoid crowding areas. Ensure that all lessons are conducted in one classroom the whole day. Also, keep classrooms well ventilated to reduce the chances of viral transmission. Wherever possible, classes and breaks can be arranged outdoors. Staggering the school timings across different grades or classes can help reduce crowding.


Enforce hygiene

Keep the school premises stocked with soaps and sanitisers. Place sanitiser dispensers at accessible areas, such as classroom entrances and staff rooms, to encourage students and staff to sanitise their hands often. Reinforce hand hygiene through rituals, posters and signages. Younger students can benefit from physical demonstrations of appropriate hand washing and sanitisation. Regularly disinfect surfaces like desks, electronic devices and doorknobs.


Introduce guidelines for mask usage

PPE is the first line of defence against COVID-19. While the full kit may not be necessary, it is important to introduce mask usage guidelines. Create policies that identify what type of masks are allowed on campus. Students can be encouraged to bring their own masks. But schools must stock up on masks, too, to ensure easy availability. Educate students and staff on how to wear and remove masks appropriately.


Plan for emergencies

Schools must have a plan in place to deal with students or staff members contracting COVID-19. Have a designated room for anyone who experiences COVID-19 or its symptoms, where they can wait before they are picked up from the premises. Ensure that they follow all COVID-19 guidelines. In case of severe symptoms, reach out to a hospital. Keep parents, caregivers or family members of the students or staff informed. While taking these steps, be sure to remain calm and avoid creating a panic.

Presently, only a few countries have opened vaccination to children. If your school is in one of them, encourage students to get their shot. Also, pay special attention to students and staff with health issues and disabilities. Offer emotional support whenever possible. Implementing these measures can ease the transition back to school.

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